Alternative Health

Many individuals whom the COVID-19 vaccines have harmed are seeking alternative methods to assist themselves and have been left to work things out for themselves, many feeling like the health systems have let them down.


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Alternative Health Options

We are connected to a broader network of Vaccine Injury Support Groups globally. There are common themes related to the injuries being seen and the treatments being used.

Although none of the content here is considered medical advice, we share information regarding what some have found helpful. That said, we are all unique in our composition, and what is suitable for one is only sometimes great for another. It is, therefore, the responsibility of each individual to do their research thoroughly and become comfortable with anything they wish to explore.

I've listed a few known alternative options in no particular order. All can have merit and should be considered individually.

Oxygen Therapy

Has been seen to be a highly effective and relatively inexpensive treatment for anyone suffering from brain fog is Oxygen Therapy.

Jersey is lucky to have access to our Oxygen Centre at the bottom of Trinity Hill. We recommend contacting the Oxygen Centre to discuss your conditions and whether you may benefit from using the Oxygen Chambers. Generally, you need to have around 20 sessions until you have hit optimal levels of oxygen saturation, and then you can keep topping up with less frequent sessions. To find out more contact the Oxygen Centre directly via their website.

Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is free and effective and has been provided to assist with various issues. It allows the body to rest effectively, giving the organs time to heal. There are many ways you can fast. Some people fast daily by skipping breakfast and eating as late as possible. It is an excellent way to reduce body inflammation generally.

Moreover, intermittent fasting has been linked to potential longevity benefits and improved cellular health through autophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis mechanisms. Autophagy is a cellular process that removes damaged components and recycles them for energy, which is believed to promote longevity and protect against age-related diseases. Mitochondrial biogenesis involves the creation of new mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of cells, which can enhance cellular function and resilience. It is known that the COVID-19 vaccines impair the mitochondria. As such, fasting can help create new mitochondria.

Intermittent fasting may also benefit cognitive function and brain health. Some research suggests that fasting can stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports the growth and maintenance of neurons. Increased BDNF levels have been associated with improved mood, cognitive function, and protection against neurodegenerative diseases.

New Vision Therapy

This groundbreaking treatment aims to assess the root cause by combining Upledger Cranio Sacral Therapy and powerful acupressure points to help balance the central nervous system. The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the body. When the nervous system is in balance, the body can begin to balance itself and allow for healing within.

New Vision Therapy is a gentle, safe, and noninvasive neurological approach to bodywork that focuses on releasing restrictions that negatively influence the performance of the central nervous system. See for more information.


A treatment centred based on frequency medicine of the natural type. Flower essences vibrate on the frequency of colour. They offer access to powerful vibrational formulas which contain no toxic substances. They can support us and encourage our innate healing ability on spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical levels. Phytobiophysics is, therefore, a deep healing option.


Considering what we are fueling our bodies with is very important, irrespective of whether we are vaccine-injured or not. If you think that we are really what we eat, if we eat junk, we feel rubbish. Eating as clean as possible is always recommended: no processed foods, no additives, etc.

Metal Detox

There are multiple ways to detox from metals, and metal detox sprays are available on the market. see for some examples.

Detox Smoothies are a great way to incorporate healthy foods while benefiting the detox process. The Medical Medium has a detox Smoothie, which tastes great! Here's the recipe:

Ioncleans is a device that can safely remove toxins from the body by placing the feet in a foot spa connected to the device. The device creates currents through the water (positive and negative charges) that respond to metals in the body.

One thing to consider is that all detoxes can result in reactions in themselves as undesirable elements start to leave the body and can make us feel unwell. This is a natural part of detox, and we should ensure we have sufficient clean mineral water (NOT Jersey tap water!) to support ourselves.

Functional Health Practitioners

One common theme following vaccine injury is that individuals do not wish to approach the medical system because they feel they have been let down. One option to consider is that of a functional health practitioner. These individuals work more holistically to consider the root causes of sickness rather than what may present as the symptom. This can be a refreshing take on health care for many who are often left feeling like they are being ignored and passed around the system.

Jersey has many functional health practitioners whom you may like to contact.