Useful Links & Information

Below are some helpful links and relevant information which you may like to access.

MHRA Yellow Card

Used to self-report adverse events.

In Jersey and Guernsey the Government have opted to outsource, the reporting and management of adverse medical events to the MHRA who operate the Yellow Card reporting system.

It is however noted that there are key concerns and issues in how the Yellow Card system is being operated and funded. June Raine, who was heading up the MHRA had received notice of harms in 2021. She did not act upon this information. Moreover, June Raine had referred to the role of the MHRA being more like that of a facilitator rather than a regulator.

One of the key changes we would like to see is how adverse events are recorded and investigated within Jersey as it is clear that we are unable to outsource our reporting to an external body where our elected leaders are not acting upon the information routed through the MHRA.

Science Based support for those suffering from long term covid vaccine impacts.

Published Science Database:

One of the key changes we would like to see is how adverse events are recorded and investigated within Jersey as it is clear that we are unable to outsource our reporting to an external body where our leaders are not acting upon the information routed through the MHRA.

UK CV Family

UK support group who are offering outstanding support for those in the UK who have been impacted by the Covid Vaccines. The UKCV Family have extended support to VIBJSY and have helped to share important information surrounding developments in the UK and globally.

UK Covid Enquiry Module 4 - has been delayed but will focus on vaccines and therapeutics. UK CV Family are one of the core participants bringing evidence to the hearing due later in 2024. Learn more at

Jersey Covid Enquiry

Jersey’s Covid Enquiry cost in region of £230,000 and didn’t touch on the safety or monitoring of the Covid Vaccines. The validity of the report is up to each reader to determine. Learn more at